April 3 (Holy Saturday) 3:00 PM @ St. Victor April 4 (Easter Sunday) After 9:00 AM Mass @ Transfiguration April 5 (Easter Monday) 3:00 PM @ St. Victor
April 6 (Easter Tuesday) 3:00 PM @ Transfiguration April 7 (Easter Wednesday) 3:00 PM @ St. Victor
April 8 (Easter Thursday) 3:00 PM @ Transfiguration April 9 (Easter Friday) 3:00 PM @ St. Victor
April 10 (Easter Saturday) 3:00 PM @ St. Victor April 11 (Divine Mercy Sunday) After 9:00 AM Mass @ Transfiguration
Bethlehem Christian Families, a not-for-profit organization through Land of Peace, will be with us to speak about the Christian situation in the Holy Land. The goal of this mission is to help Christian families in the Holy Land and Churches in the Middle East who have been affected by the continuous violence and the depletion of tourism to the area. Crucifixes, rosaries, and religious articles, all made of Olive Wood, which is native to the Holy land and Bethlehem,areavailabletopurchase.